[Xastir] Re: [Xastir-Dev] Changes to Igating: Igate Queues

KC7ZRU - Tate kc7zru at arrl.net
Fri Aug 9 22:40:51 EDT 2002

"Curt Mills, WE7U" wrote:
> One of these years I'll make it to your fine state again with bow
> in hand and can take care of some of the pronghorn problems for you.

Too cool! They get in the way of my Suzuki <BG>

> What's an IGUP beacon?

It's a 'service' offered by N7XUC. It's a script Joel runs on his aprsd
server that sends a beacon goes into the APRS-IS every 10 minutes. Idea
is if you setup your I-gate to gate this beacon to RF then everyone in
your 'coverage area' will know that you have an active I-gate. For those
of us with as far and wide a space between I-gates, it's nice to know
that your posits have at least a good chance of making it back into the
ARPS-IS. IGUP is in the findu.com database:

> As far as I know we only igate messages and NWS broadcasts.  Other
> bulletins/posits don't go out over RF unless you specifically enable
> them by adding them to the nws-stations.txt file.  I'm not even sure
> how general the nws-stations.txt file is, and whether you can do
> most/all of these types of things with it.

Mmm, OK - I setup 'IGUP' as one of the calls to be gated to RF in
nws-stations.txt, but it's not making it out - so yea, must not 'count'

OK - going back to aprsd for now. Look'n forward to another 'go' at it


> Curt Mills, WE7U                         hacker.NO_*SPAM at tc.fluke.com
> Senior Methods Engineer/SysAdmin
> "Lotto:    A tax on people who are bad at math." -- unknown
> "Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates." -- WE7U

              Casper, WY    |    CARC Repeater
                DN62tt      |      146.940
        "The Dungeon" online at http://go.to/kc7zru
            "RTFM" is NOT a 'four letter' word!

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