[Xastir-dev] Peet U2k Rain Gauge

Gerry Creager N5JXS gerry.creager at tamu.edu
Mon Sep 23 16:31:52 EDT 2002

Good points...

I think I'm gonna make a decision that we will archive the data in 
metric and provide a shim on the display page...

I've seen some of the RAWS stuff sneaking in.  I'll try to get those 
sites' coordinates and forward them to the list.  As for water guages, 
I'd not seen those, but there's a USGS site with a lot of that data. 
I'll have to go looking.


Curt Mills, WE7U wrote:
> On Tue, 17 Sep 2002, Gerry Creager N5JXS wrote:
> Mike got around to putting the pressure thing in as a bug report, so
> I'm starting to look at it again.  Not a major deal, but I agree
> with Mike that it needs to be consistent.
>>Interesting discussion on this today with my graduate students.
>>For those of you who haven't heard, I just got assigned a little project
>>to consider gathing data from all of Texas' counties and if necessary,
>>adding weather stations to some counties...  That's a minimum of 254
>>datapoints for one state...
>>In the discussion of data normalization, because we only want to archive
>>one data format even if that means there will be holes in some reports,
>>the decision was made to record temp and dew point in Farenheit,
>>pressure in mB and wind in MPH.  These are standard for US observations.
>>  Use of "pure" SI units standard in other parts of the world... and
>>becoming more standard in US DoD applications, still hasn't made it to
>>the mainstream.
> And you can't use "little" projects like this to force the issue?
> Seems like a little data translation to a world-standard format
> might be in order, then you could set up the data retrieval to also
> do the translation.  Sometime in the far distant future the
> translation shims could be removed at both ends.  That's the sort of
> thing I'd try to push for, but you probably have other
> considerations (like who's holding the money and what they want).
> Gerry:  Have you seen the water gauges, fires and RAWS weather
> stations getting injected into the stream?  Not sure which
> observations you'll be collecting, but whatever they are, make the
> readings and lat/long of the stations available somewhere for
> download (finger/ftp/http) and we might be able to make use of them
> for APRS as well.  Perl can do wondrous things if given data.

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