[Xastir-dev] Segfault

Curt Mills, WE7U hacker at tc.fluke.com
Thu Dec 4 12:03:43 EST 2003

On Wed, 3 Dec 2003, Jack Twilley wrote:

> Caught Segfault! Xastir will terminate
> Last incoming line was: KF6HJO>WIDE2*>APS221:}HNXNPW>APRS,TCPIP,KF6HJO*::NWS-ADVIS:040600z,DENSE_FOG,CA_Z089,CA_Z090,CA_Z091,CA_Z092, {3N6AB
> 15:18:38
> But xastir didn't core.  I forgot to tweak the magic bit that causes
> setgid programs to dump core, so I'll do that for next time.

I _think_ that the latest (developers) CVS should be ok now, both
because I caught a bunch of segfault-generating problems, and
because I redirected the Shapefile stuff to the old code by default.
Tiger goes to the OGR code.  There's a define at the top of maps.c
that redirects shapefile stuff to OGR as well.  It's commented out.

Curt Mills, WE7U                    hacker_NO_SPAM_ at tc.fluke.com
Senior Methods Engineer/SysAdmin
"Lotto:    A tax on people who are bad at math!"
"Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates!" -- WE7U
"The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"

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