[Xastir-dev] GDAL/OGR

Curt Mills hacker at tc.fluke.com
Mon Dec 8 13:30:16 EST 2003

For those of you keeping up with GDAL/OGR (probably
Chris/Jack/myself!):  Snag the canada.zip file (and perhaps others?
They're all pretty small) from this URL:


Set "#define GDAL_SHAPEFILES" in maps.c, and try indexing that set
of maps (probably have to "touch" them).

That is a shapefile data set in NAD27 format.  During indexing we're
doing on-the-fly datum conversion to WGS84 for the file extents.
Kind'a cool!

Temporarily I have the code converting NAD83 stuff to WGS84 as well.
Doesn't accomplish much, but it exercises the API calls.  I have a
"#define WE7U" in map_gdal.c that causes us to convert to NAD27.
Another thing we don't want to do, but it helps me test.  Leave that
one commented out.

Next on the list is to do on-the-fly datum conversion with the
points inside the dataset as we draw.  After that, I'll be looking
for a state-plane coordinate system Shapefile map to play with.
Perhaps Skagit County maps Ken?

Curt Mills, WE7U                    hacker_NO_SPAM_ at tc.fluke.com
Senior Methods Engineer/SysAdmin
"Lotto:    A tax on people who are bad at math!"
"Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates!" -- WE7U
"The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"

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