[Xastir-Dev] Thoughts on converting config to XML

Jeff Brenton KA9VNV ka9vnv at dididahdahdidit.com
Mon Feb 3 09:25:48 EST 2003

GW> On Mon, 2003-02-03 at 03:15, Jack Twilley wrote:
>> I've been thinking about the pros and cons of converting Xastir's
>> unique configuration file format to XML.
>> What do the rest of you
>> think?

Switching to XML will be great for explosively increasing the size of
the configuration file, while significantly raising the obsfucation

If there is never a need for humans to manipulate the configuration
file, the format does not matter. It can be a binary dump of the data
area of the program, for heaven's sake. But, if humans are expected to
change things manually, XML is one of the WORST choices, in my

Best regards,
 Jeff                            mailto:ka9vnv at dididahdahdidit.com

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