[Xastir-Dev] Messaging interface...]

Curt Mills, WE7U hacker at tc.fluke.com
Thu Jul 10 13:37:18 EDT 2003

On Thu, 10 Jul 2003, Gerry Creager N5JXS wrote:

> Please note:  That rant is aimed at the idea of using a less than best
> effort messaging mechanism on what at best is a best effort radio
> network.  It's NOT aimed at Mark.

There's no reason we can't invent our own messaging mechanism that
works better.  Whether or not that's an option for what we're
currently discussing, I don't know.

Ui-View has a different messaging mechanism than the other APRS

We could have our own native messaging that would go into effect if
the other system was known to be capable of it.

Curt Mills, WE7U                    hacker_NO_SPAM_ at tc.fluke.com
Senior Methods Engineer/SysAdmin
"Lotto:    A tax on people who are bad at math!"
"Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates!" -- WE7U
"The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"

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