[Xastir-Dev] Objects not plotting

dale huguley kg5qd at wxsvr.net
Tue Jul 22 17:46:01 EDT 2003

Curt Mills wrote:

>On Tue, 22 Jul 2003, Curt Mills, WE7U wrote:
>>Anything else is not per spec.  That's why we're throwing it out.
>>Here are the four formats allowed by the spec:
>>092345z     2345 hours zulu time on 9th day of the month
>>092345/     2345 hours local time on 9th day of the month (not
>>            recommended on the air anymore)
>>234517h     23 hours 45 min 17 sec zulu
>>10092345    23 hours 45 minutes zulu on october 9th (positionless
>>            stand-alone weather stations)
>The question is then, should we allow 'u' and other characters, or
>should we stick to the spec and throw things out that don't
>If we allow any character in that last position we might try to
>decode things that we shouldn't, assuming incorrectly that they
>contain a real timestamp.
It would be easy enough for me to stick to the "z" only format- a minor 
amount of re-shuffling internally.  But I don't like knowing something 
about a  packet and not transmitting it if possible.  Also I would have 
objects with the time stamp meaning the expiration time and objects with 
the time meaning the time it was parsed- with no designation which is 
which.  I am violating the spec already by having the time stamp mean 
the expiration time.  For the most part, the time stamp seems to be 
ignored by clients. I don't have a good solution.

73 de kg5qd Dale

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