[Xastir-Dev] Argh! make problems

Gerry Wheeler gwheelerx at qolpublishing.com
Sun May 4 16:51:36 EDT 2003

On Sun, 2003-05-04 at 00:49, Gerry Creager N5JXS wrote:
> I'm seeing some anomolies like this:
> Warning:
>      Name: create_appshell text_output
>      Class: XmTextField
>      Character '\55' not supported in font.  Discarded.
> ... I'm not sure what they mean, yet but I'm watching them.

This looks like the same messages I saw when I started using RH8.0.
There have been some suggested fixes, but I haven't taken time to try

The message seems to refer to a character needed to update the status
windows at the bottom of the Xastir window. What I found was that one or
more of the status fields would be come blank because Xastir couldn't
write the message there, and this error would pop out.

Have a look back through the archives for messages regarding fonts or
font settings to see if you find one that applies.

Gerry kg4nbb

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