[Xastir-Dev] configure confuses missing -lbz2 w/-lMagick

Jack Twilley jmt at twilley.org
Fri May 16 13:28:32 EDT 2003

>>>>> "Alan" == Alan Crosswell <alan at columbia.edu> writes:

Alan> I set up a totally clean RH 9 machine and have been building
Alan> xastir and all the prereq packages as RPMs (for those not
Alan> already supplied with RH 9).  I found that the configure test
Alan> confuses a missing -lbz2 for a missing -lMagick.  You need to
Alan> add a test for -lbz2 before trying to use it:

I will take another look at the ImageMagick test, but I'll be honest:
Those variables are detected by asking ImageMagick what it needs.  I'm
disappointed that the magick-devel RPM doesn't require the bzip2-devel
RPM, because that's where the dependency lies.

Sometime in the next week, expect a new-and-improved ImageMagick
configure bit which reports errors more accurately.

Jack Twilley
jmt at twilley dot org
http colon slash slash www dot twilley dot org slash tilde jmt slash

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