[Xastir-Dev] Recent depth-related change to maps?

Jack Twilley jmt at twilley.org
Thu Oct 16 17:58:34 EDT 2003

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>>>>> "Curt" == Curt Mills <Curt> writes:

Jack> I just updated my laptop's instance of xastir and noticed that
Jack> at map layers 128 and above, roads aren't shown.  Is this
Jack> recent?

Curt> I was messing with that a while back (several weeks if not a
Curt> month or two).

That'd be about right, then.

Curt> The different types of roads disappear at various zooms.  State
Curt> highways and freeways show up above 128, freeways above 512.
Curt> Turn off map levels and you'll see them all.

Turn off map levels and my screen will be a mess. :-)

Jack> Is there any interest in adding a column to the map chooser
Jack> titled "max level", such that each map would only be displayed
Jack> if the current map level is less than that value?

Curt> Yes.  Several people have been wanting that.  Actually it'd be
Curt> good to have a min/max for each map.

Sounds even better.

Curt> The new dbfawk stuff should cover that as well.  I don't mind
Curt> having two (or more) methods to do the same thing though.

Ummm, I do.  The potential for conflict is pretty high.  Debugging
that kind of thing will not be fun.

- -- 
Jack Twilley
jmt at twilley dot org
http colon slash slash www dot twilley dot org slash tilde jmt slash
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