[Xastir-dev] Re: N/S and E/W bit

Mark Sproul msproul at jove.rutgers.edu
Tue Jan 20 16:19:24 EST 2004

Bob and the group

WinAPRS/MacAPRS do accept the lower case chars and I believe always 
have. I have just tested it to verify this.


At 2:25 PM -0500 1/20/04, Bob Bruninga wrote:
>N/S & E/W and Z/z bits:
>It appears that APRSdos and Kenwoods are the only ones so far that are
>case insensitive to the N/S and E/W indicators.
>FINDU, javAPRS, Xastir, Pmap are case sensitive and ignore L/C packets.
>WinAPRS, UIview are unknown..
>Since the beginning I had always thought that I had these three bits
>in reserve for any later ideas we came up with...  But apparently not.
>Independent of this present ACTIVITY BIT idea, I would like to ask all
>authors to consider this proposal for APRS SPEC adoption:
>1) Revise your code starting now to be case insensitive to these 3
>bytes:  N/S and E/W and the Time Zone character "Z/z"
>2) Then at some agreed future date, and after much deliberation, we can
>decide how best to standardize the use of these 3 bits (if needed).
>But we must get code to accept it now for future backwards compatibility.
>Besides this ACTIVE bit, I have also wanted a PRIORITY bit so that we
>could differentiate between packets that claim priority and those that
>accept being routine...  But I dont want to argue those now.
>I only ask that we change code now to accept EITHER CASE for the N/S, E/W
>and z/Z bytes so that we have 3 available bits in the spec for future use.
>Share this with other authors, but not on the APRSSIG.  Just too many
>clueless people there...
>If we can get agreement among all authors, then we can consider making it
>a formal change to the spec.
>de WB4APR, Bob

Mark Sproul                              |
http://ecs.rutgers.edu                   |
msproul at jove.rutgers.edu                 |
Manager - Engineering Computing Services | 732-445-3121
Rutgers University School of Engineering |
Office: Eng D111                         |

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