[Xastir-dev] Closing AUX GPS port before shutdown / down of interface

David Flood davidf4 at mindspring.com
Fri Jun 4 22:44:08 EDT 2004

Since Xastir knows that the port is a TNC with AUX, couldn't the exit/down
code just do one more read from the GPS and hold everything up until that
read is done?

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Russo [mailto:russo at bogoflux.losalamos.nm.us]
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2004 7:19 PM
To: Curt Mills
Cc: David Flood; Xastir-Dev at krypton.hscs.virginia.edu
Subject: Re: [Xastir-dev] Closing AUX GPS port before shutdown / down of

On Fri, Jun 04, 2004 at 05:58:46PM -0700, a Mr. Richard Feyler of Fort Lee,
New Jersey <archer at eskimo.com> writes 'Dear Rosanne Rosannadanna':
> On Fri, 4 Jun 2004, Tom Russo wrote:
> > It could be that a similar combination of commands could prevent the
> > "opening TNC" hang in the first place.  I briefly experimented with
> > inserting some of these commands into a TNC stop file for Xastir
> > (for example, 'tc 1' followed by 'gu 0' and 'tc 0' should shut down
> > the gps port cleanly). But I've  never had it actually work --- if I
> > watch the data from the "View->incoming data" window I see the radio
saying "Eh?" a lot instead of
> > accepting the commands.   I think a few of these commands cause a delay
as the
> > TNC switches modes, and there's no obvious way to enforce a delay
> > between command lines in the start and stop files.
> Yes there is.  Check out the File->Configure->Timing dialog...

I see a slider for inter-character timing, but not one for a delay between
lines.  It would be a nice extension if the tnc start/stop file handling had
character or escape sequence one could stick in to tell Xastir to delay a
second before continuing (kinda like the old Hayes dial command's ","

> If you get it to work, send me the file and I'll add a tnc-stop.d700a
> file to the sources.

If I get a round tuit I might tinker with it a bit tonight, and if I have
more luck than the last time I tried it I'll let you know.

The basic deal is this:  if the connection from the D700 to a computer is
terminated (i.e. by closing the serial port) while GPS data is being sent,
the radio will lock up at the "Opening TNC" message as soon as one attempts
to return the radio to its internal APRS mode.

The procedure I posted will clear that hang, but I haven't yet figured out
the precise combination of commands that will prevent it entirely --- I
would think that having xastir tell the radio to shut off the GPS port would
do it, but last time I tried adding those three commands to the tnc stop
file it
didn't actually turn off, but when I type them into "cu" they do.

Tom Russo    KM5VY     SAR502  DM64ux         http://www.swcp.com/~russo/
Tijeras, NM  QRPL#1592 K2#398  SOC#236 AHTB#1 http://www.qsl.net/~km5vy/
"If life gives you lemonade, kick it in the balls and say 'Hey, I wanted
  a beer.'"

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