[Xastir-dev] More Map Questions/Suggestions !

Curt Mills archer at eskimo.com
Sat Mar 20 12:44:01 EST 2004

On Sat, 20 Mar 2004, James A Vincent wrote:

> One problem is to select the zoom level. Would it be possible to
> select a zoom level directly rather than having to zoom in +/- 10%
> increments on a right mouse click.  It always seems to display
> zoom levels which are not what I want !

You can zoom in/out in powers of 2 with pageup/pagedown keys, zoom
directly to levels listed in the right-click mouse menu, zoom in/out
in powers of 2 or 10% increments using right-click mouse menu, zoom
in/out using the arrow buttons at the top, or zoom out to show the
area then zoom in using the mouse.  Those are a lot of options for
showing the area of interest.

I usually zoom out using the middle mouse click, then zoom in using
the click/drag/release method with the mouse.  That gives me the
exact area of interest.

One of the feature request items:  To add a method of going to a
specific typed-in zoom level, and lat/long center too I think.

>  Yes- Tom Russo has been very helpful.  I still haven't managed to
>  discover the relationship between the colour=x and the colour
>  displayed.  Is there a list of colours and their numerical value
>  ?

I haven't messed with the dbfawk stuff, so I don't know what they're
using for colors.  There should be an rgb.txt file on your system
somewhere that specifies a bunch of colors and their associated
values.  You can also bring up various tools to determine what the
hex values are for various colors.

> > So the U.S. just won't go metric, and you guys are somewhere in the
> > middle?
> >
> >
> Fair comment. Sometimes we British don't realise/accept that we are Europeans !

I wish we'd just convert and be done with it over here.  We have a
few things in metric now, but not much.  2-liter bottles of pop, and
other food/cosmetic items in milliliters.  That's about it.  If I
drive 1.5 hours north of the freeway I think about everything is in
metric, with dual French/English labeling.

Curt, WE7U.				archer at eskimo dot com
  Lotto:  A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates. - WE7U.
The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"

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