[Xastir-dev] Feature suggestion - Web Based Control

J. Lance Cotton josecanuc at gmail.com
Tue Nov 2 11:33:42 EST 2004

On Tue, 2 Nov 2004 08:28:18 -0800, Andreas Junge, N6NU <xastir at n6nu.org> wrote:
> It would be nice to have an API to have access to at least Pan and Zoom. One
> could add a control to the web page to allow users to do just that.
> 2) Maybe down the road there is a TCP/IP control port in XASTIR...

Really a web server just dumps files over a network port with proper
headers. How hard would it be to have Xastir start listening on port
8080 (or other configurable choice), dump out some HTML of a form with
an image submit. The submitted form would include the coordinates of
the target click. Throw in some radio buttons for "pan" vs "zoom in"
vs "zoom out" make the img-submit button refer to the PNG that xastir
already knows about.

It also ought not be too hard to remain secure by ignoring all but the
two "URLs" that would be requested here (the source page and the
image), and proper string-handling techniques.

Having said that -- I'm not sure I could code the network stuff, but I
could sure easily make a decent HTML template.
J. Lance Cotton, KJ5O
joe at lightnigflash.net
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