[Xastir-dev] Hypothetically speaking...

Owen DeLong owen at delong.com
Wed Nov 10 16:54:20 EST 2004

In the past, I have seen this handled by one of several methods:

1.	Save a revision to db.h that contains only a comment
	to the effect that db.h was deprecated and renamed
	to <whatever it's now called, I xuggest xaster_db.h>,
	then deprecate the file. WIth the new file containing
	an initial version that is identical to the last useful
	version of the old file and a reference to the deprecated
	file for change-log purposes, or, comments that include
	the deprecated change log.

2.	Move both the file and the CVS/RCS archive to the new
	name so that except for comments to the contrary, the
	files think they were always named by the new name.
	(This tends to be the cleanest approach overall).

3.	Simply accept that you lose the change history and move on.
	(not my favorite approach).

Again, of all of these, I tend to prefer method 2 as it seems to
be fairly clean.  Afterall, for most purposes, you don't really
care what the file used to be called or when it was renamed as
long as you can look at the revision history, and, there's some
not of that information, the rest is mostly academic.  Method
number 2 makes all of this possible.  I don't know if method
number 2 can be achieved on sourceForge since we may not have raw
shell access to the underlying RCS directories.  However, I
would think we could ask the SF administrators to assist us in
this endeavor.  Worst case, we could write a fairly simple script
to do the recursive CVS get and put of each of the versions in
succession to the new file.  Crufty, but, same end result except
for date-logs which would need to be added to the comments section
to explain what happened.


--On Wednesday, November 10, 2004 10:47:12 AM -0800 "Curt, WE7U" 
<archer at eskimo.com> wrote:

> If one were to want to include /usr/include/db.h in some Xastir
> code, that conflicts with our xastir/db.h.  How best to handle that?
> We could "#include /usr/include/db.h", but that might not work on
> all systems.  "#include <db.h>" pulls in our local file instead of
> the system file.  See the problem?
> Would we need to change xastir/db.h to another name to accomplish
> this best?  In that case we lose the linkage to the old name for our
> history of file changes.
> --
> Curt, WE7U			         http://www.eskimo.com/~archer
> "Lotto:    A tax on people who are bad at math." -- unknown
> "Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates." -- WE7U
> "The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"
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