[Xastir-dev] national highway planning network dbfawk

russo at bogodyn.org russo at bogodyn.org
Wed Oct 6 15:35:57 EDT 2004

On 6 Oct, 2004 Derrick J. Brashear wrote:

> as a first pass i spent a few minutes on a dbfawk file for the highway
> layer. but... i'm seeing fonts larger than i expect creeping in somehow,
> and fonts not consistent with the road sizes that get drawn. am i screwing
> up somewhere obvious?

It's certainly not obvious.  It looks like you're assigning a font
size based on feature type every time you assign a line width, and so if
a feature has an FCLASS that matches one that you're testing for, it *should*
get both the line width and font size you chose for that FCLASS.  

In some cases, you might be seeing instances of the data in the dbf
file not actually matching reality --- GIS data can sometimes be
wrong, and roads mismarked as major in the file attribute when they're
actually dirt tracks.  Tiger/Line is like that in my area --- there
are a number of insignificant cul-de-sacs that seem to have attributes
in the census data that say they're highways.  But if, for example,
you're seeing big fonts and really skinny lines, it's not coming from
a mistake in your dbfawk file.  Could be a bogon in the drawing routines.

Have you looked with testawk to see how your dbfawk file is features
into the dbfawk variables in reality?  dbfawk has evolved somewhat
from what it was when testawk was written, and some dbfawk variables
aren't output by it, but yours should be.

BTW, the final "font_size=0" shouldn't be necessary, as you have that
in the "BEGIN_RECORD" section and that'll make sure that any feature
not caught by your patterns get the default 0 font size.

Tom Russo    KM5VY   SAR502   DM64ux          http://www.swcp.com/~russo/
Tijeras, NM  QRPL#1592 K2#398  SOC#236 AHTB#1 http://www.qsl.net/~km5vy/
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