[Xastir-dev] Re: Another case of high load

Henk de Groot henk.de.groot at hetnet.nl
Thu Sep 9 15:32:45 EDT 2004

Hello Curt,

At 08:45 7-9-2004 -0700, Curt, WE7U wrote:
>It might be that you're confusing the local end of a network
>connection.  Xastir will connect to a remote port, and have a local
>port number that is 1024 or higher for that same connection.  Do a
>"netstat -tcp" and you should see what's going on.  "netstat -tp" if
>you want a single snapshot of it.

Okay, this is windoze do netstat flags are different. This is a dump of the 
ports in use while Xastir is running with a TH-D7 TNC (no network):

C:\Documents and Settings\Henk>netstat -b

(sorry, Dutch Windows so Dutch output...)

Actieve verbindingen

   Proto  Lokaal adres          Extern adres        Status           PID
TCP    Targa:1868             baym-cs118.msgr.hotmail.com:1863  ESTABLISHED

TCP    Targa:1202             localhost:6000         ESTABLISHED     2616

TCP    Targa:1216             localhost:6000         ESTABLISHED     2680

TCP    Targa:1220             localhost:6000         ESTABLISHED     2680

TCP    Targa:1222             localhost:6000         ESTABLISHED     2680

TCP    Targa:1441             localhost:6000         ESTABLISHED     2620

TCP    Targa:1953             localhost:6000         ESTABLISHED     2620

TCP    Targa:6000             localhost:1953         ESTABLISHED     2680

TCP    Targa:6000             localhost:1220         ESTABLISHED     2680

TCP    Targa:6000             localhost:1222         ESTABLISHED     2680

TCP    Targa:6000             localhost:1202         ESTABLISHED     2680

TCP    Targa:6000             localhost:1216         ESTABLISHED     2680

TCP    Targa:6000             localhost:1441         ESTABLISHED     2680

As you can see Xastir has 2 network connections running, one on port 1441 
and one on 1953.
Both ports connect to the Xwindows client (XWin.exe).

I'm not an Xwindows expert but is my interpretation correct that there is 
apparently constant screen-updating going on? Maybe TNC status or some 
other status field data updating contanstly instead of only upon a change?

Maybe that's also the problem the other users see and which is not caught 
by the profiler since the CPU cycles are not burned in the Xastir code. I 
also see a high CPU load but in the top 3 CPU cycle burners are lsass.exe 
(25%) vsmon.exe (14%) and xastir.exe (11%) - rough figures since they are 

Kind regards,


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