[Xastir-dev] Long Term CPU

Curt Mills archer at eskimo.com
Sat Feb 19 13:31:52 EST 2005

On Sat, 19 Feb 2005, Tom Russo wrote:

> I think Curt made some significant changes to how WX alerts are being handled
> in recent weeks --- maybe more recently than your 30-day-uptime version.
> Does this behavior persist in recent CVS versions?

Those were mostly CPU-usage fixes.  The memory usage should have
gone up by a fixed amount, until I go back in and clean up the last
usage of one array and get rid of it, but there shouldn't be any
leaks.  My versions at work aren't showing any leaks anyway.  I
watch the memory use like a hawk there.  Part of my regular testing.

> Could be an issue with the hash-table functions.  When I was implementing
> the rtree stuff I noticed that the hash table library we use requires you to be
> very careful when deleteing entries.  I had some leaks in the rtree-related 
> hash tables early on because of how the hash functions do (and don't do) their 
> cleanup.  I know that alerts are now in hash tables, so it could be there.

Yea, the hash table stuff likes to segfault on you if you don't
clean up properly.  I also had it do some strange things if I didn't
malloc both parts of the hash (key/value).  Malloc'ing one record
and having the hash point into the record for both doesn't work when
it comes time to delete.

I doubt it's in the WX alert stuff, but there's always the
possibility that I didn't test some scenario or other.  It's new
code which means it's worth looking at.

> Heh.  128K Linux box.  Takes ya back, it does.  Typo, I hope.

What I'm running here typing this message on.  PP200 with 128k
physical.  Reliable as all getout.

Curt, WE7U.				archer at eskimo dot com
  Lotto:  A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates. - WE7U.
The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"

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