[Xastir-dev] Weather alert county labels

Reuven Z Gevaryahu gevaryah at netaxs.com
Wed Jan 12 18:07:01 EST 2005

This is a strange bug I've just noticed: The first time we draw the 
weather alert counties for a specific view, we draw them with just 
shades, no labels. However if I wait about a minute, they redraw with 
the county labels.

My test case: No maps enabled, full internet feed, rtree, dbfawk, 
geotiff, imagemagick, tigercaching, ax.25, z_15jl04.shp, w_28au03.shp, 
First load:
Leaving it running for a few minutes:

I don't know which behavior is better (I like the labels myself), but we 
should at least be consistant.

Is this a bug in the county files, the dbfawk code, the rtree code, the 
weather alert code, or what? I certainly don't want to track this one 
down. :-P

And with regard to the CPU discussion on the other list, when the 
weather maps are reprocessed, there is a 5 second burst of 100% CPU (on 
an Athlon 1400).

And finally, what does the "selected stations" count really mean? It is 
~1700 in these pictures, with 8 stations on screen.

P.S: Helpfile update coming up.

--Reuven (KB3EHW)

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