[Xastir-dev] Topic: Supported Platforms, Xastir-NG

Curt, WE7U archer at eskimo.com
Mon Jun 16 14:17:29 EDT 2008

On Mon, 16 Jun 2008, Kristian Walsh wrote:

> During development, we had considered xastir , but the need to re-project all
> mapping to UTM was a bit of a headache, so we did our own visualisation
> system.

Actually -> "unprojected" or "lat/long", but same idea.  hi hi

Help monitor this new development and keep us honest WRT to map
projections, datums, etc.  I'd love this to be genuinely useful in
the SAR field and for other emergency operations.

> Perhaps consider some of the Boost C++ libraries (www.boost.org): they are
> cross-platform and well supported.

Have only heard of the name.  Will have to look at what that might
buy us.

> The language hasn't moved much since the mid 80's.  Apple have recently
> brought along an ObjectiveC 2.0, which adds garbage collection to the mix.

> The Objective-C runtime is the C runtime, with a couple of additional
> runtime functions.  All the things you hate about C are still there.

> C++ is standardised, Objective-C is not.

The above pretty much blows it out of the water for me.  Sounds like
C++ would be a better portable language for us than Obj-C.  Thanks
for the info.

Does C++ have any standardized garbage collection?

> We used GTK+ for our UI - it works on MacOS X (on X11) and on Linux. We never
> tried it on Windows.

> I would not try to do a "one size fits all" UI - it will not work well on any
> platform. Decoupling the "engine" from the UI and allowing differnt UIs would
> be a better choice.

The current thought is to do a "reference" implementation for the
GUI clients using one language & widget set.  Others can than port
this code to other languages or widget sets to give us more coverage
across the desired platforms.  Whether we maintain these other ports
as part of the main body of Xastir-NG code or not will be up for
debate at the time.  They may be considered entirely different

Curt, WE7U.				archer at eskimo dot com
  Lotto:  A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates. - WE7U.
The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"

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