[Xastir] Confuration Error

John von Gonten n5bsd at rblprd.com
Thu Sep 19 09:40:51 EDT 2002

I am trying to find the work around for this and yet have come up with
no clue.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation
and add the correct paths!

I am using a mostly standard install on RedHat 7.3 with all current
Errata updates.

Anyone have any suggestions??

| John von Gonten   -  N5BSD    | ERROR 406: file corrupt:            
| Packet:                       | config.earth --- reboot universe?   
| Email : N5BSD at rblprd.com      | (Y/N)
| WEB   : HTTP://www.rblprd.com |

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