[Xastir] Too many crashes

Curt Mills, WE7U archer at eskimo.com
Sat Dec 13 18:07:57 EST 2003

On Sat, 13 Dec 2003, Jack Twilley wrote:

> If you can do that in such a way that it works on Solaris, FreeBSD,
> and Cygwin as well as Linux, send me the patches and I'll test it.

Plus MacOSX.

> If not, the current method of using operating-system-specific tools to
> analyze core dumps left behind by segfaulting processes will probably
> continue to be the standard approach to resolving these issues.

My first thoughts as well.  We could however put in #ifdef's for
various operating systems, and improve each handler as people came up
with patches.

I thought about creating a global string that each function writes to
when you enter/exit the routine, but that'd be a lot of coding, and
would slow Xastir down a bit with all the extra clutter.

Curt, WE7U.				archer at eskimo.com
  Lotto:  A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates. - WE7U.
The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"

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