[Xastir] Tigermaps

John Place jplace at sc.rr.com
Sat Dec 20 17:36:57 EST 2003

Curt Mills, WE7U wrote:

>On Fri, 19 Dec 2003, jplace wrote:
>>Building with AX25.......... : no
>>Building with GDAL.......... : no
>>Building with GeoTiff....... : no
>>Building with ShapeLib...... : no
>>Building with pcre.......... : yes
>>Building with ImageMagick... : yes
>>Building with Festival...... : no
>>Building with GPSMan........ : no
>>Building with dbfawk........ : no
>This looks ok so far.  Configure thinks you have ImageMagick support.
>Do you have "#define HAVE_IMAGEMAGICK 1" in your config.h file?
It is in there.

>As I recall you're on Mandrake 9.2.  Anyone else running that yet?
Am running Mandrake 9.2.

>>*** Skipping '/usr/local/share/xastir/maps/terraserver.geo', IMAGESIZE 
>>tag missing or incorrect. ***
>>Perhaps no XPM or ImageMagick library support is installed?
>>*** Skipping '/usr/local/share/xastir/maps/toposerver.geo', IMAGESIZE 
>>tag missing or incorrect. ***
>>Perhaps no XPM or ImageMagick library support is installed?
>Looking at the code, a couple of variables should have been set by
>then.  Because they're not set, either you don't have ImageMagick
>support compiled in, or your ImageMagick package is not working as
>intended.  If you have the above #define in your config.h file, then
>I suspect the latter.
>I suppose another possibility is that you don't have libcurl or
>wget in there, or they're not being found by configure.  One or the
>other of those is used to fetch the remote image.  Then again, that
>comes after the error message you're talking about, so I still suspect
>that the ImageMagick install has a problem or that the detect of same
>is suspect.  The two variables that get set are geo_image_width and
>geo_image_height.  If "HAVE_IMAGEMAGICK" is not set, those variables
>will still be zero by the time it checks them, and you'll get that
>error message.
Libcurl was not installed.
Will try a clean install of ImageMagick and a clean install of Xastir 
and see what happens.

>It's likely that the same trouble you're having with terraserver/
>toposerver files relates to the tigermap.geo trouble.
>>Restoring CAD objects from file
>>Couldn't open config/CAD_object.log file for reading!
>That's a normal message if you don't have any CAD objects created

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