[Xastir] Looking for serial->IP widget

Bill Owens owens at nysernet.org
Wed Jan 15 15:07:37 EST 2003

At 11:46 -0800 1/15/03, Jack Twilley wrote:
>I am looking for a small, simple program that will sit on my serial
>port, listen to my TNC, and store the data in files based on date/time
>information.  This program must also provide a server that is
>compatible with Xastir.  I guess what I'm looking for is an igate but
>with logging.

I have (had - it's down right now) a setup that does something 
similar. My shack is in a corner of the basement, but I like to run 
Xastir on a Linux machine in my office upstairs. So I have a Baycom 
modem connected to a serial port on an old Linux PC in the shack, 
running the kernel AX.25 drivers. I then connect aprsd to the kernel 
port, and have Xastir talk to it over my house Ethernet. I can 
simultaneously run the 'listen' utility that comes with the kernel 
AX.25 tools and log packets locally on the shack PC, or I can telnet 
into aprsd from the upstairs machine(s) and log there. Extending that 
to have daily files would be a simple matter of scripting - even I 
might be able to manage it ;)


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