[Xastir] Prefered map format?

Alan Crosswell alan at columbia.edu
Thu Nov 6 21:17:14 EST 2003

It's a new feature in the latest CVS.  See README and README.MAPS.  You 
have to build xastir with dbfawk enabled.  This is done with:

./configure --with-dbfawk

It's called dbfawk because of an awk-like syntax. If you are familiar 
with the awk language, invented by Aho, Weinberger, and Kernighan, 
you'll be comfortable with it.  It takes the shapefile metadata (names 
and other attributes) from the .dbf file and lets you tell xastir how to 
display those attributes in a fairly straightforward way.  This 
functionality is currently hardcoded in the shapefile map support for a 
limited number of shapefile types.  I wrote dbfawk to generalize this 
without having to add more hard-coded logic to the shapefile processing 

There are good examples of dbfawk usage listed in README.MAPS.

Nate Bargmann wrote:

>* Alan Crosswell <alan at columbia.edu> [2003 Nov 06 15:38 -0600]:
>>dbfawk lets you set the zoom level and label level on a per-shapefile 
>>object basis whereas setting them in the map properties dialog does it 
>>at the level of the entire shapefile.
>Okay, what is dbfawk?  A program, a language, a feature strictly in
>Is there a reference any place?
>73, de Nate >>

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