[Xastir] Science Fact - tested, true!
Gerry Creager N5JXS
gerry.creager at tamu.edu
Fri Nov 7 08:55:47 EST 2003
I'm sorry, but if you're not reporting medical data from NASA or the
Russian space program (and now, maybe the Chinese?) an 'n' of 1 is
insufficient. Most physiology reported today in the journals has at
least an 'n' of 2 or 3, unless someone is older, like me, and took
statistics in a previous life... and passed! :-)
73, gerry
JD Erskine wrote:
> At 12:00 06/11/03 -0800, Curt Mills wrote:
>>"It is anatomically impossible for humans to lick their own elbow."
>>Found that on a snickers bar today. _Why_ someone would want to
>>attempt this is quite another topic.
>>Curt Mills, WE7U hacker_NO_SPAM_ at tc.fluke.com
> Empirically tested (sample of one [1]) and found true. Why I tried I have
> no idea, however, giving it some small thought, Gene Simmons is prolly the
> only bod who could (would?).
> "Why does a dog... ..?" "Because he can".
> Cheers, JD
> John D. Erskine
> mailto:VA7OTC at rac.ca or mailto:sailargh at victoria.tc.ca
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Gerry Creager -- gerry.creager at tamu.edu
Network Engineering -- AATLT, Texas A&M University
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