[Xastir] Xastir forgetting DNS???

Wes Johnston wes at johnston.net
Tue Oct 21 23:22:23 EDT 2003

That is set.... I'm getting a dialog box which says "Error opening 
interface 0 Hard Fail"


At 09:47 PM 10/21/2003, you wrote:
>Check Interfaces:Properties:Properties:"Reconnecto on net failure?"
>Wes Johnston wrote:
>>I've got  v1.2.1 not CVS running under redhat 9 full install (to include 
>>the kitchen sink)....
>>After several hours of running, xastir looses it's connenction to
>>aprs.kd4rdb.com on ports 8000 and 23  (agwpe and telnet).  This is the 
>>2nd day in a row.  It does not loose connection to my agwpe host in 
>>garage (prob because it's on a 192.x.x.x hard coded address.  I can open 
>>a terminal window and ping the host (it resolves an address of 
>>, which that host has had for weeks now).  I'm wondering if 
>>xastir fails to re-lookup the address after the DNS entry expires?  I 
>>have that host running on dyndns and the TTL is 60 seconds.
>>I deleted the agwpe interface which was talking to aprs.kd4rdb.com and 
>>recreated it (to potentially force a DNS lookup), but it would not open.
>>If I exit xastir and run it again, it works....
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>>Xastir at xastir.org
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