[Xastir] Win32 Install Errata?

James Cour K1ZC at comcast.net
Sat Sep 20 13:02:29 EDT 2003

The "Readme" for Win32 has an error I think.  It says that ImageMagick version 5.5.3 or 5.5.7 will work with Xastir, but I do not think that is the case.  I went to the link provided in the Readme:    http://www.imagemagick.org/

and download 5.5.7.  However, this did not install properly because the Xastir compile routine looks for a specifc file named "magick-config" that is missing from 5.5.7 although there are files named "magick-config.1" and "magick-config.in" included in that release.  Even changing the config.h header file to force the #define did not help.

So, I think it is necessary to have the version of 5.5.3 that I downloaded from Curt's site installed.  That compiles just fine.

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