[Xastir] Xastir old versions

Reuven Z Gevaryahu gevaryah at netaxs.com
Fri Jan 9 15:41:13 EST 2004

Jack Twilley wrote:

> I am attempting to massage the wayback machine, but all the links for
> those pages redirect to xastir.org.  Ah well.

If you're looking for old pages, see http://xastir.dididahdahdidit.com/, 
which hasn't been updated in several years. (0.3.6 era)

I've been involved since June 2nd, 2000. 0.3.3. What I find funny about 
all of this was a long email of feature requests I sent to Frank 
6/20/00. Some things I asked for were: 1)Smartbeaconing 2)Object/Item 
support 3)Fixes for the station list/tnc data constantly redraws 
4)Center map contxt menu option 5) A map scale 6)Click and drag distence 
measurements 7) Specified map layering order 8) Way to make the county 
maps transparent 9) Way to make the map filling controlable on a per-map 
basis 10) Way to make map URLs refresh every certain number of minutes 
11) ALTNET support 12)Dead reckoning 13) Support for decoding storm wind 
radius information 14)Specific paths for messages 15)Wind direction 
symbols for weather stations 16) Dynamic allocation of memory for the 
reather and trail data 17)support for grid square packets 18)Warnings 
about setuid use

Look how far we've come!

As of the beginning of 2001, I was already submitting updates to the 
helpfiles. I didn't get CVS access till later, but I've been involved 
for quite a while now.

--Reuven (KB3EHW)
Xastir docs guy

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