[Xastir] Snapshots on demand?

Curt, WE7U archer at eskimo.com
Tue Jan 13 12:48:49 EST 2004

From: Tim Gimmel tim at gimmel.org

> I like xastir!
> I am using the snapshot feature to provide a link on my web page to view
> the current map at any time.  My question is can I send a SIG to xastir
> to make it dump a snapshot?  Or is there any other way to get an
> on-demand snapshot?

The only current way of doing it is to disable/re-enable snapshots,
which will cause another snapshot to occur immediately.  If you're a
coder and wish to have that feature, send us some patches!

There's an example of a segfault handler in the code already.  You
could put in a handler for another signal perhaps.

Curt, WE7U			    archer at eskimo dot com
Arlington, WA, USA		http://www.eskimo.com/~archer
"Lotto:    A tax on people who are bad at math." -- unknown
"Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates." -- WE7U
"The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"

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