[Xastir] Re: Tiger 2003 Polygons?
Tom Russo
russo at bogodyn.org
Thu Oct 21 04:37:42 EDT 2004
On Thu, Oct 21, 2004 at 02:25:45AM -0600, we recorded a bogon-computron collision of the <russo at bogodyn.org> flavor, containing:
> I mail it anyway, because you can have tiger shapefile conversions of polygon
> features now.
> # This file is used to map US Census Tiger/Line shapefiles which are
> # converted to shapefiles using the Xastir_tigerpoly.py utility
Already tweaked the dbfawk file a little, because I forgot to add the bit
that would color water features that haven't been assigned landmark records,
but still have WATER=1 or WATER=2 in the PIP record.
Here ya go. Last bit for the night.
Tom Russo KM5VY SAR502 DM64ux http://www.swcp.com/~russo/
Tijeras, NM QRPL#1592 K2#398 SOC#236 AHTB#1 http://www.qsl.net/~km5vy/
(1) Ignorance of your profession is best concealed by solemnity and silence,
which pass for profound knowledge upon the generality of mankind.
-------"Advice to Officers of the British Army", 1783
-------------- next part --------------
# $Id$
# Copyright (C) 2003-2004 The Xastir Group
# This dbfawk file is used to map arbitrary dbf data that accompanies
# a shapefile into Xastir canoncical values of:
# key - search key
# lanes - width of feature (usually a road but applies to rivers, etc. too)
# color - color to draw the road
# name - name of the road for labels
# filled - whether a polygon is drawn filled or not
# fill_color - color to fill polygon with
# pattern - line pattern for road, river, etc. (0 - solid; 1 - dash; 2 - double dash)
# display_level - highest zoom level at which to display the feature
# label_level - highest zoom level at which to display the label
# symbol - 3 char 'TIO': table, ID, overlay
# NOTE: This file format is modeled after awk but is nowhere near awk
# compatible.
# This file is used to map US Census Tiger/Line shapefiles which are
# converted to shapefiles using the Xastir_tigerpoly.py utility
# BEGIN is called once per dbf file which contains multiple records.
#dbffields is which of the above fields we actually want to look at.
# No point reading dbffields that are not looked at further.
# BEGIN_RECORD is called once per dbf record which contains multiple fields.
# Use this rule to re-initialize variables between records.
# use color 11 to highlight stuff that isn't properly mapped.
BEGIN_RECORD {key=""; lanes=1; color=8; fill_color=11; name=""; filled=1; pattern=0; display_level=8192; label_level=32; label_color=8; font_size=0; symbol=""; fill_style=2; fill_stipple=0 }
# Name -- only features that have landmark records get names
/^LANAME=(.*)$/ {name="$1"; next}
#We need this just in case there is no CFCC code to tell us we're a water
# feature
#Perennial water
/^WATER=1$/ {fill_style=2; fill_stipple=2; color=3; fill_color=3; label_color=26; display_level=1;}
#intermittent water
/^WATER=2$/ {color=3; fill_color=3; label_color=26; display_level=1;pattern=1;}
# These are *all* the allowed feature classes, even those that aren't
# polygon types. We won't actually bother testing for anything other
# than the ones we expect to find, lest we spend too much time filtering.
# Census Feature Class Codes are used to set lanes, color, display_level, etc.
# CFCC A..: roads
# A11 - primary limited access road or interstate highway, unseparated
# A12 - primary limited access road or interstate highway, unseparated in tunnel
# A13 - primary limited access road or interstate highway, unseparated, underpassing
# A14 - primary limited access road or interstate highway, unseparated, with rail line in center
# A15 - primary limited access road or interstate highway, separated
# A16 - primary limited access road or interstate highway, separated, in tunnel
# A17 - primary limited access road or interstate highway, separated, underpassing
# A18 - primary limited access road or interstate highway, separated, with rail line in center
# A21 - primary road without limit access, US highways, unseparated
# A22 -primary road without limit access, US highways, unseparated, in tunnel
# A23 - primary road without limit access, US highways, underpassing
# A24 - primary road without limit access, US highways, unseparated, with rail line in center
# A25 - primary road without limit access, US highways, separated
# A26 - primary road without limit access, US highways, separated, in tunnel
# A27 - primary road without limit access, US highways, separated, underpassing
# A28 - primary road without limit access, US highways, separated, with rail line in center
# A31 - secondary and connection road, state highways, unseperated
# A32 - " in tunnel
# A33 - " underpassing
# A34 - " with rail line in center
# A35 - secondary and connection road, state highways, seperated
# A36 - " in tunnel
# A37 - " underpassing
# A38 - " with rail line in center
# A41 - local, neighborhood and rural road, city street, unseparated
# A42 - " in tunnel
# A43 - " underpassing
# A44 - " with rail line in center
# A45 - local, neighborhood and rural road, city street, separated
# A46 - " in tunnel
# A47 - " underpassing
# A48 - " with rail line in center
# A51 - vehicular trail, unseparated
# A52 - " in tunnel
# A53 - " underpassing
# A61 - cul-de-sac
# A62 - traffic circle
# A63 - access ramp
# A64 - service drive
# A65 - ferry crossing
# A71 - walkway or trail
# A72 - stairway
# A73 - alley
# A74 - driveway
#Roads are not going to be polygons, don't even check
# need to implement these:
# B: railroads
# B01 - railroad track
# B02 - " in tunnel
# B03 - " underpassing
# B11 - railroad main line
# B12 - " in tunnel
# B13 - " underpassing
# B21 - railroad spur
# B22 - " in tunnel
# B23 - " underpassing
# B31 - railroad yard track
# B32 - " in tunnel
# B33 - " underpassing
# B40 - railroad ferry crossing
# B50 - other rail line
# B51 - carline (streetcars, etc.)
# B52 - cog railroad, incline railway or logging tram
# /^CFCC=B/ {lanes=1; color=8; pattern=1; display_level=128; next}
# C: transmission lines
# C00 - misc ground transportation
# C10 - pipeline
# C20 - power transmission line
# C30 - other ground transportation
# C31 - aerial tramway
# /^CFCC=C/ {display_level=0; next}
# D: landmarks
# D00 - unknown
# D10 - military installation
/^CFCC=D1/ { fill_color=0; fill_style=2; fill_stipple=0; display_level=64; font_size=1; next}
# D20 - multihousehold or transient quarters
# D21 - apartment building or complex
# D22 - rooming or boarding house
# D23 - trailer cour or mobile home park
# D24 - marina
# D25 - crew-of-vessel area
# D26 - housing facility for workers
# D27 - hotel, motel, resort, spa, YMCA, YWCA
# D28 - campground
# D29 - shelter or mission
/^CFCC=D2/ { fill_color=14; fill_style=2; fill_stipple=0; display_level=64; font_size=1; next}
# D30 - custodial facility
# D31 - hospital
# D32 - halfway house
# D33 - nursing home
# D34 - county home or poor farm
# D35 - orphanage
# D36 - jail
# D37 - federal penetentiary, state prison, or prison farm
/^CFCC=D3/ { fill_color=13; fill_style=2; fill_stipple=0; display_level=64; font_size=1; next}
# D40 - unknown educational or religious
# D41 - sorority or fraternity
# D42 - convent or monastery
# D43 - educational institution
# D44 - religious institution
/^CFCC=D4/ { fill_color=20; fill_style=2; fill_stipple=0; display_level=64; font_size=1; next}
# D50 - transportation terminal
# D51 - airport
# D52 - train station
# D53 - bus terminal
# D54 - marine terminal
# D55 - seaplane anchorage
# D57 - Airport
/^CFCC=D5/ { fill_color=7; fill_style=2; fill_stipple=1; display_level=64; font_size=1; next}
# D60 - Employment center
# D61 - Shopping center
# D62 - Industrial Building or Ind. park
# D63 - Office Building or office park
# D64 - Amusement Center
# D65 - Government Center
# D66 - Other emplyoment center
/^CFCC=D6/ { fill_color=7; fill_style=2; fill_stipple=0; display_level=64; font_size=1; next}
# D70 - tower
# D71 - lookout tower
/^CFCC=D7/ { fill_color=7; fill_style=2; fill_stipple=0; display_level=64; font_size=1; next}
# D80 - open space
# D81 - golf course
# D82 - cemetery
# D83 - national park
# D84 - national forest
# D85 - state or local park or forest
/^CFCC=D8/ { fill_color=100; fill_style=2; fill_stipple=0; display_level=64; font_size=1; next}
# D90 - special purpose landmark
# D91 - post office box-only ZIP Code location
# D92 - urbanizacion (Puerto Rico)
/^CFCC=D9/ { fill_color=101; fill_style=2; fill_stipple=0; display_level=64; font_size=1; next}
# E: physical featuers
# E00 - unknown physical feature
# E10 - fence line
# E20 - topgraphic feature
# E21 - ridge line
# E22 - mountain peak
# E23 - island
# Don't display the E's
# F: legal boundaries
# F00 - nonvisible boundary
# F10 - jurisdictional boundary
# F11 - offset boundary
# F12 - corridor boundary
# F13 - interpolate boundary across water
# F14 - superseded boundary
# F15 - superseded boundary, corrected
# F20 - data base topology
# F21 - automated feature extension to lenghten physical feature
# F22 - irregular feature extension, determined manually
# F23 - closure extension
# F24 - separation line
# F25 - centerline
# F30 - point-to-point line
# F40 - property line
# F50 - Zip Code boundary
# F60 - map edge
# F70 - statistical boundardy
# F71 - 1980 "
# F72 - 1990 "
# F73 - internal use
# F74 - 1990 " ...
# F80 - other tabulation boundary
# F81 - internal use
# F82 - internal use
#/^CFCC=F10$/{color=255; fill_color=255; label_level=32; display_level=512; pattern=0; next}
#/^CFCC=F/{display_level=0; next}
# Don't bother with the F's either for now
# (G not used by census; tig2aprs uses for special maps)
# H: hydrography
/^CFCC=H/ {color=3; fill_color=3; label_color=26; display_level=1;}
# H00 - water feature
# H01 - shoreline of perennial water feature
# H02 - shoreline of intermittent "
/^CFCC=H0/ {fill_style=2; fill_stipple=2; display_level=4096; label_level=16; lanes=1}
/^CFCC=H02/ { fill_stipple=0; pattern=1; next}
# H10 - stream
# H11 - perennial stream
# H12 - intermittent stream
# H13 - braided stream or river
# H20 - canal, ditch or aqueduct
# H21 - perennial "
# H22 - intermittent "
# H30 - lake or pond
# H31 - perennial "
# H32 - intermittent "
# H40 - reservoir
# H41 - perennial "
# H42 - intermittent "
# H50 - bay, estuary, gulf, sound, sea, ocean
# H51 - bay, estuary, gulf or sound
# H52 - sea or ocean
/^CFCC=H[1-5]/ {fill_style=2; fill_stipple=2;display_level=256; label_level=16; lanes=1}
/^CFCC=H[1-4]2/ {fill_stipple=0; pattern=1; next}
# H60 - gravel pit or quarry filled with water
/^CFCC=H6/ {fill_style=2; fill_stipple=2;display_level=256; label_level=16; lanes=1}
# H70 - nonvisibile....
# H80 - special water features
# H81 - glacier
/^CFCC=H81/ {color=15; fill_color=15; fill_style=2; fill_stipple=2;display_level=256; label_level=16; lanes=1}
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