[Xastir] SDTS to shapefile conversion?

Jason Winningham jdw at eng.uah.edu
Mon Jan 3 15:50:19 EST 2005

On Jan 3, 2005, at 2:39 PM, Gerry Creager n5jxs wrote:

> I haven't played with ogr2ogr for SDTS files.  I don't know if it'll 
> auto-detect the metadata -- datum/projection, etc.
> So, yes, the caveat is that it might produce a file, but it might not 
> be in the datum you expected!

Well, I'm GIS ignorant, but I picked a 1:24k quad hypsography file, 
used the ogr2ogr command line that Tom supplied, then displayed both 
the shapefile and the SDTS versions.  All the yellow SDTS lines covered 
the black shapfile lines, so they're consistent.  I guess they could be 
consistently wrong. (:

Yeah, that's just one data set, but it's encouraging.


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