[Xastir] Xastir Wiki

Jason Winningham jdw at eng.uah.edu
Thu Nov 2 17:06:25 EST 2006

On Nov 2, 2006, at 2:34 PM, Darryl Gibson wrote:

> Of course there was one screw up. When I registered, I ended up  
> with the user name N2diy, when I intended to use n2diy. I didn't  
> see a way to change that?

Not exactly a screwup but a design decision that I don't particularly  
care for.  Most wiki software requires than pretty much everything  
(user, filename, directory, link, etc) be a WikiWord - a word or  
phrase in mixed case.

I'm a bit surprised you were allowed to use a word with only one  
uppercase letter; one is usually forced to resort to things like  
Kg4Wsv or Kg4wsV to meet a "more than one capital letter" requirement.


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