[Xastir] Bad iGate messages being passed thru server port?

Curt, WE7U archer at eskimo.com
Wed Jul 18 12:26:04 EDT 2007

On Tue, 17 Jul 2007, Mike Loebl wrote:

> 	I had written a piece of software to parse out packets via the
> Xastir server port on 2023. I noticed I was getting some strange decoding
> coming in to my app and traced it back to the server port.  If I telnet into
> port 2023, here's an example of what I'm seeing:
> N8VIM>APRS,RELAY:$ULTW000000000369147627BBFFFC88830001017C00C5032800000000
> VIM>APRS,RELAY,KB1MTS,I:$ULTW000000000369147627BBFFFC88830001017C00C5032800000000

> KB1MKZ>APX184,WIDE2-2:=4233.78N/07116.28WxXASTIR-Linux
> 1MKZ>APX184,WIDE2-2,KB1MTS,I:=4233.78N/07116.28WxXASTIR-Linux

What OS?  I'm running three Xastir instances here, one of which is
connected to a full-tilt Firenet feed and has the server ports
enabled.  Telnetting to "localhost 2023" on Linux here shows lots of
packets flying by and the first two characters aren't missing on any
of them near as I can tell.

Curt, WE7U.   APRS Client Comparisons: http://www.eskimo.com/~archer
"Lotto:    A tax on people who are bad at math." -- unknown
"Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates." -- WE7U
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