[Xastir] TIGER/Line files --- End of an Era

Jason Winningham jdw at eng.uah.edu
Tue Mar 27 08:07:02 EDT 2007

On Mar 27, 2007, at 6:33 AM, Troy M. Campbell wrote:

> When I get time to learn more about shapefiles.

I'm certainly no expert, but I think in the contrib directory there  
are some tools to build shapefiles for you.  shapefile is a binary  
format, so it would be something like "use perl to feed the shapefile  
builder executable" instead of using perl to build the file  
directly.  At least, that's what seems easiest to me.

Along these same lines, a while back I tried to use the cities  
shapefile from nationalatlas.gov, but many of the places didn't have  
a population listed, which made it impossible to filter.  I just  
checked for a new release, but no such luck.


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