[Xastir] Saving serial snapshots

Carl Makin carl at stagecraft.cx
Wed Apr 15 22:04:56 EDT 2009

On Wed, 15 Apr 2009, Gerry Creager wrote:

> Personally, I think you ought to use the MD5 of the image as a seed for a 
> RAND, and use that as the filename.  A similar approach could be used for the 
> extension.

Ahhh, a challenge.  Well, a bit of one. <grin>

while [ 1 ]; do
         kill -SIGUSR1 `cat ~/.xastir/xastir.pid`
         if [ -f ~/.xastir/tmp/snapshot.png ]; then
                 md5sum ~/.xastir/tmp/snapshot.png > /tmp/gerrysseed
                 NEWFILENAME=`openssl rand -rand /tmp/gerrysseed -base64 30`
                 NEWEXT=`cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid`
                 mv ~/.xastir/tmp/snapshot.png archive/$NEWFILENAME.$NEWEXT
                 rm /tmp/gerrysseed
         sleep 300

Um, the uuid thing only works on linux with /proc enabled.

It's obviously a slow day at work today...

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