[Xastir] Soundmodem-I'm back
murraybr at nbnet.nb.ca
Sat Jun 20 10:12:31 EDT 2009
I used "top" and saw that soundmodem was still running. Did a "kill" and
its gone.
Do I have to do this every time or was I doing an improper shutdown.
Curt, WE7U wrote:
> On Sat, 20 Jun 2009, Murry wrote:
>> Soundmodem and Xastir are working fine now.
>> My question now is, why is my soundcard no longer accessable after I
>> shut down Xastir and Soundmodem in their terminals?
>> I tried to use QSSTV and also tried FLDigi but could not access the
>> soundcard.
>> Had to restart the computer.
> Do a "ps aux | grep -i sound" or "ps aux | grep -i modem" to see if
> any soundmodem process is still running. If so, "kill" it by "kill
> PID" where "PID" is the process ID you found from the "ps" command.
> You can also find and kill it with "top".
> I doubt it's an xastir process that's doing it to you, but you can
> check for that with "ps aux | grep xastir".
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