[Xastir] Sidux 2010-01 Installation Notes
Lee Bengston
lee.bengston at gmail.com
Fri Jun 18 00:01:34 EDT 2010
On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 2:45 PM, Curt, WE7U <curt.we7u at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, 17 Jun 2010, Rainer D., DL5PD wrote:
>> Indexing maps...
>> draw_geo_image_map:sscanf parsing error
>> draw_geo_image_map:sscanf parsing error
>> draw_geo_image_map:sscanf parsing error
>> draw_geo_image_map:sscanf parsing error
>> Finished indexing maps
> Those are odd.
>> *** Reading WX Alert log files
>> *** Done with WX Alert log files
>> ICE default IO error handler doing an exit(), pid = 1972, errno = 32
> How are you starting Xastir? As a normal user? As root? With
> sudo?
> Another thing to check: Since you are switching from a pre-compiled
> Xastir to a CVS version, it is likely installing in a new place
> (/usr/local/share/xastir) instead of the old (/usr/share/xastir), so
> your ~/.xastir/config/xastir.cnf file may be pointing at the old
> instead of the new. Check the paths in there. Also check whether
> you need to move your old maps to the new location for Xastir to
> find them.
>> Just another thought: I am not using KDE, but XFCE instead, perhaps it is
>> up to that fact, that I get this curious message and cannot run xastir.
> I run Xastir on a P3-866MHz sometimes with 384MB of memory using
> FVWM2 window manager, works fine. FVWM2 is older than XFCE.
> I did a quick check via Google for that error message and came
> across this talkinga bout running an app with sudo (which you
> shouldn't be doing in this case):
> http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/suse-linux-help/95858-ice-default-io-error-handler.html
Built-in map types:
gnis USGS GNIS Datapoints
pop USGS GNIS Datapoints w/population
map APRSdos Maps
pdb PocketAPRS Maps
Support for these additional map types has been compiled in:
geo Image Map (ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick library, many
formats allowed)
geo URL (Internet maps via wget)
osm URL (OpenStreetMaps via wget)
shp ESRI Shapefile Maps (Shapelib library)
tif USGS DRG Geotiff Topographic Maps (libgeotiff/libproj)
xpm X Pixmap Maps (XPM library)
Making user /home/lee/.xastir/config/xastir.cnf file
festival_client: connect to server failed
SayText: Couldn't open socket to Festival
Indexing maps...
draw_geo_image_map:sscanf parsing error
draw_geo_image_map:sscanf parsing error
draw_geo_image_map:sscanf parsing error
draw_geo_image_map:sscanf parsing error
Finished indexing maps
*** Reading WX Alert log files
*** Done with WX Alert log files
convert_from_xastir_coordinates:X out-of-range (too low):4263101696
convert_from_xastir_coordinates:X out-of-range (too high):161465600
I got the text above when starting Xastir for the first time in the
XFCE version. I did duplicate the "draw_geo_image" errors. However,
Xastir has not crashed, and after I zoomed in to a reasonable level,
there were no more error messages. I set up an internet server,
changed maps, changed map settings, etc with no more errors showing
up. The online OSM stuff is working great. Rainer, I don't know -
perhaps the bad behavior you are seeing is hardware related. I'm not
seeing it when I use "virtual hardware".
The XFCE version is pretty fast. Installation time in Virtualbox was
3 minutes, 20 seconds! I haven't played with Sidux much yet, but it's
making a good first impression.
Lee - K5DAT
Murphy, TX
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