[Xastir] MultiLine Footprint ISS Object

Lynn W. Deffenbaugh (Mr) ldeffenb at homeside.to
Thu Oct 13 00:05:14 EDT 2011

I've just started injecting an object into APRS-IS called ISS from 
KJ4ERJ-15.  This object contains a MultiLine description of the 
approximate RF footprint of the International Space Station which is 
displayed perfectly on APRSISCE/32.  Given that xastir is the only other 
client advertised at supporting the MultiLine format (documented at 
http://www.aprs-is.net/WX/MultilineProtocol.aspx), I was wondering if 
someone could let me know what it looks like there.

You should be able to receive the two-minute updates for the ISS object 
with an o/ISS filter.

Here's a few sample packets:

KJ4ERJ-15>APZTLE,TCPIP*:;ISS      *035328h0354.08N\14948.70WS }k1izNw]okctUyGy8t-j%]"N%?-28(G#U#c(o1w?zN{!w>A!

KJ4ERJ-15>APZTLE,TCPIP*:;ISS      *035348h0455.72N\14904.89WS }k1izNw^okcuTyFy8t-j%]#N%?-28(F#T#c'o1w>zN{!wN:!

KJ4ERJ-15>APZTLE,TCPIP*:;ISS      *035408h0557.30N\14820.93WS }k1izNw^okcuTyFy8t-j%]"N%?-28(F#T#c'o1w>zN{!wB>!

KJ4ERJ-15>APZTLE,TCPIP*:;ISS      *035607h1201.65N\14354.53WS }k1iyNv^nlbuSzFx8s-i&\#N&@-38)F$S"b'n0v>yN{!w:g!

KJ4ERJ-15>APZTLE,TCPIP*:;ISS      *035806h1800.30N\13914.72WS }k1jwNt_lm`vRzEx8r.h'\%N'@.48*E$R"`&l/t=wN{!wML!

KJ4ERJ-15>APZTLE,TCPIP*:;ISS      *040005h2349.83N\13413.70WS }k1jvNs`kn_wQzEw9q/g)[&N)A/59+E%Q"_%k.s<vN{!woO!

By transmitting the satellite's current position and estimated 
footprint, it is globally applicable.  If your station ends up in the 
circle, then the satellite should be in range.  The bearing and distance 
from your station can assist in estimating the Azimuth and Elevation for 
reception.  This is obviously not going to replace any dedicated 
satellite tracking software, but there's more to come in this area as 
well for us APRS users.

Lynn (D) - KJ4ERJ - Author of APRSISCE for Windows Mobile and Win32

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