[Xastir] Xastir Load Problems (Mac OS X 10.7.4)

Chip G. n1mie at mac.com
Mon Aug 27 18:43:47 EDT 2012

The system only has 10.6 & 10.7 SDKs, so that might be part of the problem. Let me see if I can find those to install.

On Aug 25, 2012, at 23:39, Jeremy McDermond wrote:

> Sorry about the top post here, but I'm at a campground in the middle of the Cascades getting ready for a SOTA activation tomorrow. 
> I'm not in front of a terminal right now, so I can't tell you exactly what's going on with your configure, but
>>>> -Wl,-syslibroot,/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk/,
> This line sets your SDK path which will determine where the compiler is looking for libcrt.so and friends. For some reason the compiler is looking for a later version and you're looking in the 10.4 SDK directory for the goodies. I haven't done a run of Xastir for a while, but I can give it a try for you on Monday if you haven't figured it out already. 


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