[Xastir] GeoTiffs from mrsid files

Liz edodd at billiau.net
Wed Sep 19 07:42:54 EDT 2012

This has worked 
First of all obtain the software to convert mrsid to geotiff from the
Lizardtech site.

follow the complete instructions here


(some commands are different if using Debian, particularly the PATH

With that Geotiff convert to appropriate datum (help required here from
the expert)
"gdalwarp: gdal command to convert from one datum and projection to
" -s_srs is source datum and projection using the EPSG codes. Code
28355 is GDA94, MGA zone 55"

"The maps are actually in WGS84, UTM Zone 55, but it's only a 2 or 3
metre difference and I knew where to find the GDA codes"

gdalwarp -s_srs EPSG:28355 -t_srs EPSG:4326 8130s.tif 8130s_lat.tif

Then those files had "3 samples per pixel instead of 1"
and this is attended to by 
rgb2pct.py 8130s_lat.tif /usr/share/xastir/maps/tif/8130s_lat.tif
copying it into the xastir directory as I went.

final result here

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