[Xastir] Light weight APRS client with smart beaconing support for Raspberry PIs

David Ranch xastir at trinnet.net
Mon Sep 2 23:37:28 EDT 2013

Hello Everyone,

Since the list has been pretty quiet, I thought I'd send this out tothe 
group.  I have a Raspberry Pi and a TNC-Pi which it works pretty wellbut 
I'd like to turn it into a an APRS tracker and digi. For the tracker 
side, I have a working USB GPS unit that's spitting out the expected 
NEMA sentences but I'd like something that supports SmartBeaconing and 
not just periodic beacons. Looking at the very comprehensive table at 
http://wetnet.net/~we7u/aprs_capabilities.html (it's missing digi_ned 
though which is rather comprehensive otherwise), only Xastir and YACC 
seemto have smart beaconing but both are GUI *only* applications.  I'm 
really looking for something that doesn't require Xwindowsand is 
lightweight(Java doesn't strike me as very light).

So.. does this exist?  Maybe there are tricks to make either of these 
programs NOT require to run a GUI what so ever?  Other alternatives?


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