[Xastir] Airplanes, anyone an expert?

Curt Mills curt.we7u at gmail.com
Tue Feb 23 14:20:35 EST 2016

Does the below make sense, switching aircraft symbols based on
speed/altitude in the ads-b.pl script?

    # Auto-switch the symbol based on speed/altitude.
    # Symbols:
    #   Small airplane = /'
    #       Helicopter = /X
    #   Large aircraft = /^
    #         Aircraft = \^ (Not used in this script)
    #  Cessna 150:  57 knots minimum.
    # Twin Cessna: 215 knots maximum.
    #  UH-1N Huey: 110 knots maximum.
    # Landing speed Boeing 757: 126 knots.
    # If <= 10000 feet and  1 -  56 knots: Helicopter
    # If <= 20000 feet and 57 - 125 knots: Small aircraft
    # If >  20000 feet                   : Large aircraft
    # if                      > 126 knots: Large aircraft

Curt, WE7U

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