[Xastir] newbie... problems with compiling from source

Orrin Winton orrin.winton at gmail.com
Mon Dec 4 11:22:27 PST 2017

Hello Curt & company, have spent hours on this and am not getting the
results predicted in the compile procedure:

At https://xastir.org/index.php/HowTo:Ubuntu_14.04-17.04

I do this:

git clone https://github.com/Xastir/Xastir.git

and get the expected result.

Then I do this:
cd Xastir
./bootstrap.sh           and yes, Makefile.am is created.

I then skip the gdal stuff, because it says that's optional.

Then I do this:

cd ~/src/Xastir
mkdir build
cd build
../configure CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/include/geotiff"

and the response i get is: bash:  ../configure: No such file or directory

and I definitely don't get the display of the list of options, I'm in the
directory 'build' and if i type 'make' i get:

make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.

The directory 'build' is empty.

Other notes: This is Ubuntu 16.04. I had 14.04, and a downloaded Xastir binary
working quite well, but i crashed the computer with something not related to
Xastir, re-installed 14.04, could not get a binary to function (lots of
"can't find fonts" messages, but no map display at all). So i upgraded
to 16.04,
could not get a binary to work, so am trying to compile from source, and
having the above problem.

Thanks for any help on this.

Orrin WN1Z CN90

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