[Xastir] Xastir with DRAWS

Ken Koster n7ipb at wetnet.net
Sun Dec 9 20:35:57 PST 2018

On Saturday, December 8, 2018 10:55:48 AM PST Michael wrote:
> Is anybody using Xastir with DRAWS on a RasberryPi? What is your
> experience? Good, bad, indifferent? Compared to other modems like the
> TNC-Pi?
> tnx es 73,
> Michael WA7SKG

DRAWS is only a sound card and can be used anywhere you use a regular sound card.   Above 
and beyond the sound card  it has an onboard GPS and PTT/CSQ lines that use the RPi GPIOs.  
It is not a complete solution.

To make it work with Xastir still requires additional software that:
a) Can use a sound card to decode/encode ax25 packets.
b) Can use the RPi GPIO lines for PTT.
c) Software to access the GPS (gpsd) if you're taking your RPi mobile.

One of the software modems that can do this is Direwolf.
For the GPS I presume you can use gpsd.

Very likely none (or few) of us on the Xastir list have DRAWS boards but we can infer what it 
will do from the above information about DRAWS and our experience using other 
soundcards with Xastir.

Direwolf is one of the best software modems available and when coupled with DRAWS 
should out perform most if not all other solutions.

Ken - N7IPB
Email: n7ipb at wetnet.net
JID: n7ipb at jabber.wetnet.net
SvxLink Repeaters: http://pnw220.wetnet.net
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“Contrariwise,' continued Tweedledee, 'if it was so, it might be; 
and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic.” 
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