[Xastir] Running wxnowsrv.pl

Tom Russo russo at bogodyn.org
Tue Feb 20 14:25:39 PST 2018

On Tue, Feb 20, 2018 at 05:14:03PM -0500, we recorded a bogon-computron collision of the <joe at laferla.ca> flavor, containing:
> I am trying to run wxnowsrv.pl to connect xastir to my weather station.  I am using the following command
> ./wxnowsrv.pl  // 60

This is wrong.  The script is not set up to fetch the wxnow.txt file from 
another machine on the network, it's set to read a local file, and *provide*
its data to another machine on the network.  It knows nothing windows-style 
network share syntax like you're using.  I'm surprised you didn't get an
error about not being able to read the file.

You need to run the script on the machine where the wxnow file lives 
(, and the path would be "/home/pi/CumulusMX/wxnow.txt".

When you do it this way, the pi with your weather station is running a simple
server daemon that your other pis on the network (e.g., the one with xastir)
can connect to to get weather data.  That daemon listens on port 5500 by 
default (unless you give an extra argument with the port number).

> But am getting the following error message
> Can't call method "accept" on an undefined value at ./wxnowsrv.pl line 155.

This suggests that the call that creates a new socket a few lines up from line
155 is failing.  $listen should be defined there, and so $listen->accept
should work.  If you're getting this, the problem is somewhere else.

> My wx station is on and xastir is on
> Maybe my format to refer to the other pi with an ip address is wrong?

It is wrong, but you clearly have some other issue, too, because the 
network port initialization seems not to have worked.  Are you getting any
other error messages from the program besides the one about the undefined

Tom Russo    KM5VY
Tijeras, NM  

 echo "prpv_a'rfg_cnf_har_cvcr" | sed -e 's/_/ /g' | tr [a-m][n-z] [n-z][a-m]

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