[Xastir] Xastir not digipeating, can't figure out why.

Joseph LaFerla joe at laferla.ca
Thu Jan 18 05:00:07 PST 2018

Do you have Smart Beaconing enabled?  I think it enables by default and anyway if smart beaconing is enabled, the setting Posit Tx Interval in File|Configure|Timing is inoperative.  This may be unrelated to your problem but it stumped me nonetheless when I was setting xastir up.

Just a thought.


Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Aaron Vogel
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2018 8:25 PM
To: xastir at lists.xastir.org
Subject: [Xastir] Xastir not digipeating, can't figure out why.

Hey there, I've gotten really far and just have 1 hurdle left to my goal of
creating a fill-in digipeater, but it's an important one: I can't get
Xastir to digipeat. Hoping the list can help.

RPi 3 B running Jessie
TNC-Pi from TNC-X.com
Baofeng UV-82
DB-9 to Baofeng TNC cable

Xastir is setup fine (other than not digipeating).
I have configured the TNC-Pi and APRS.fi as interfaces.
I can manually transmit and stations nearby hear me (verified on aprs.fi)
Looking at the log files or packet data display I even see the
automatically transmitted packets going out about once every 30 minutes at
the moment from my station.

What I don't see is any kind of digipeating going on.

Here's a screen grab of my interface setup for the TNC-Pi:
And here's my xastir.cnf file:

I don't think there's anything else I'd need to set but obviously I'm
missing something.

Thanks in advance,
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