[Xastir] Firenet data

Lynn W. Deffenbaugh (Mr) ldeffenb at homeside.to
Thu Jun 14 12:36:10 PDT 2018

Post a few screen shots or station IDs (although they can be very 
transitory) and we'll see what we can describe.

KJ4ERJ-15 injects various lightning strike data in different forms. 
Single strikes are strikes.  Multiple strikes within a 6 character 
grid-square are compressed to an area that may be yellow or red 
depending on how many strikes are there.  Strikes are also counted and 
activated into "Strike Zones" which are 4 character grid squares.

Oh, and the object that is describing the square is located at the 
average of all of the participating coordinates, so it will move around 
possibly giving you a bunch of squiggly tracks in the middle of 

Lynn (D) - KJ4ERJ - Author of APRSISCE for Windows Mobile and Win32

On 6/14/2018 3:17 PM, Tom Henderson wrote:
> Holy smokes! I set up an second Internet interface so I could receive 
> firenet data, and boy did I!
> Some of the data is easy to figure out, such as lightning strikes.
> Other things, not so much. Weird squiggly tracks, yellow and red 
> squares, thunderclouds.
> Is there a decent resource out there somewhere that explains what they 
> are?

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