[Xastir-Dev] 1.1.4 Release?

Jose R. Marte A. jose.r at codetel.net.do
Tue Dec 24 22:57:54 EST 2002

Hello to everybody good to see to everybody very active on the
development of the xastir, Happy merry christmas to all

Well I had a strong headache on las months since Nov-19 to last Dec-24
about something non-documented like as .xbm files at Symbols subdir
on Xastir, I was trying to run the Xastir from RPM package made by me
but this shutdown from about 8 or 10 second after I start it
and I was trying found some logical explain about my problem.

Finally I found the problem by accident, I trying to catch the problem 
I made some modification to my xastir.spec file for the RPM package made
myself and added the line "make DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT install"
and I watch the process of the build and I saw that the install feature
copy some file with ext .xbm then I made a check out in symbols subdir
and I saw those file there, then again exchange something in my
xastir.spec for copy those files on the RPM package and to install the
package on my linux RH 8.0 with the extra files I running this and
ZASSSS!!!! not more shutown from xastir until now it is running without

I think that it is good to make a checkout to this
Xastir without those files goes shutdown in so fact.

I'm right now with the last modifications on the CVS repository

73's Jose (hi8gn)

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