[Xastir-Dev] warning: big change to map_shp about to commit

Alan Crosswell alan at columbia.edu
Fri Aug 29 12:42:47 EDT 2003

I'm about to commit a big change to map_shp.c that adds use of config/*.dbfawk 
files to set map feature attributes.  I don't yet have .dbfawk files defined for 
all shapefile flavors but have defined them for the major Tiger/Line types. 
There are likely still some bugs and some memory leaks, so I need some folks to 
look at what I've done and test.   To enable it, do "./configure --with-dbfawk"

By editing the .dbfawk files you can control all the map features such as at 
what zoom level the feature (or the label) becomes visible, what color, line 
thickness, dashed vs. solid, etc.

It's not completely baked yet but it's close.

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